Should I reference or embed these documents?

Hello! This is my first time within the community and I was wondering if I could get some assistance on the best route to take.

I have an application where a client has some input-formatted quizzes. They want to allow logged in users to return to where they left on the quizzes if they happened to log out. Right now I have the basic functionality down but I was wondering if the way that I am organizing my schemas and documents could be better.

Currently they are about 21 different quizzes (individual pages) on the website and about 20-30 inputs that the user has to complete. I created a user schema and plan to embed all the 21 quizzes.

Here is examples of of my userSchema and two of the 21 quizzes

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const whatIsTruthSchema = new Schema({

    "1-1-5-A": String,
    "1-1-6-King": String,
    "1-2-1-this": String,
    "1-2-1-1-end": String,
    "1-2-2-witness": String,
    "1-2-3-truth": String,
    "1-3-2-Herod-s": String,
    "1-3-3-miracle": String,
    "1-3-3-miracle-2": String,
    "1-3-4-sent": String,
    "1-3-5-Pilate": String,
    "1-4-1-word": String,
    "1-4-2-truth": String,
    "1-5-1-fear": String,
    "1-5-2-Peace": String,
    "1-5-3-you": String,
    "1-5-4-terrified": String,
    "1-5-5-affrighted": String,
    "1-5-6-spirit": String,
    "1-6-1-handle": String,
    "1-6-3-Word": String,
    "1-5-4-of": String,
    "1-6-5-Life": String,
    "1-6-1-see": String,
    "1-7-1-revealer": String,
    "1-7-2-revealeth": String,
    "1-7-3-revealeth": String,
    "1-7-4-manifest": String,
    "1-7-5-God": String,
    "1-7-6-sure": String,
    "1-7-7-light": String,
    "1-7-8-dawn": String,
    "1-7-9-arise": String,
    'Christ': String,
    'tribute': String,
    'forbidding': String,
    'perverting': String,
    isComplete: { type: Boolean, default: false }

        timestamps: true,

const AnAncientDreamSchema = new Schema({

    '2-1-2-beginning': String,
    '2-1-3-convinced': String,
    '2-1-4-God': String,
    '2-2-3-in': String,
    '2-1-6-you': String,
    '2-1-7-sure': String,
    '2-1-8-light': String,
    '2-2': String,
    '2-1-11-third': String,
    '2-1-12-Judah': String,
    '2-1-13-Babylon': String,
    '2-1-14-Daniel': String,
    '2-1-15-purposed': String,
    '2-1-16-heart': String,
    '2-1-17-meat': String,
    '2-1-18-wine': String,
    '2-1-19-wisdom': String,
    '2-2-20-ten': String,
    '2-1-10-hearts-2': String,
    '2-2-1-magicians': String,
    '2-2-2-astrologers': String,
    '2-2-3-sorcerers': String,
    '2-2-4-tell': String,
    '2-2-5-man': String,
    '2-2-6-none': String,
    '2-2-7-not': String,
    '2-2-8-desire': String,
    '2-2-9-mercies': String,
    '2-2-10-thank': String,
    '2-2-11-praise': String,
    '2-2-13-God': String,
    '2-2-13-heaven': String,
    '2-2-14-image': String,
    '2-2-15-gold': String,
    '2-2-16-silver': String,
    '2-2-17-brass': String,
    '2-2-18-iron': String,
    '2-2-19-clay': String,
    '2-2-20-stone': String,
    '2-2-21-mountain': String,
    '2-3-1-Thou': String,
    '2-3-2-art': String,
    '2-3-3-kingdom': String,
    '2-2-4-Medes': String,
    '2-2-5-Persians': String,
    '2-3-6-Grecia': String,
    '2-3-7-strong': String,
    '2-3-9-world': String,
    '2-3-8-Ceasar': String,
    '2-3-10-taxed': String,
    '2-3-11-divided': String,
    '2-3-12-mingle': String,
    '2-3-13-not': String,
    '2-3-14-God': String,
    '2-3-15-heaven': String,
    '2-3-16-kingdom': String,
    '2-3-17-consume': String,
    '2-3-18-for': String,
    '2-3-19-ever': String,
    '2-3-20-become': String,
    '2-3-21-Lord': String,
    '2-3-22-reign': String,
    '2-3-22-reign-3': String,
    '2-3-23-ever': String,
    '2-3-24-God': String,
    '2-3-25-gods': String,
    '2-3-26-Lord': String,
    '2-3-27-kings': String,
    '2-4-1-will': String,
    '2-4-2-done': String,
    '2-4-3-seek': String,
    '2-4-4-kingdom': String,
    '2-4-5-righteousness': String,
    '2-4-6-you': String,
    '2-4-7-Christ': String,
    '2-4-8-heaven': String,
    '2-4-9-saints': String,
    '2-4-10-household': String,
    '2-1-1-end': String,
    isComplete: { type: Boolean, default: false }

        timestamps: true,

const userSchema = new Schema({

    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true

    email: {
        type: String,
        unique: true,
        trim: true,
        lowercase: true,
        required: true
    webflow_user_id: {
        type: String,
        unique: true,
    what_is_truth_free: [whatIsTruthSchema],
    an_ancient_dream: [AnAncientDreamSchema],
    validLessons: Number

        timestamps: true,

module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);

The thing is, if i go down this route I feel like the document will be an overkill and it just feels like there is a better way that it can be handled I thought about reference documents that were placed as a “portfolio” schema , but I am having a hard time implementing it (BSONTypeErrors). Would anyone have any suggestions?

if you embed quizzes into users’ data, you will lose the ability to change quizzes in one place. So you should have a separate collection for them. you cannot maintain a steady list of quizzes if the number of users over-grows.

But a user still needs to track their progress, so, instead of embedding quizzes to user data, you need to first decide a schema/model for this “saved process”, and save/embed crucial information of a quiz question while keeping a reference to it to fetch full question info.

so, in short, you need to use both embedding and referencing at the same time, or else the maintenance will be a nightmare.

Thank you for the response!

Currently I had the idea were I would place all the quizzers in a folder in my models directory which would have 21 different schemas. The plan was to reference them some how, but that I a stuck on that process. Right now, I am pulling the inputs from the current page a user is on, so the schema is guarantee to match when a user saves their responses. Luckily the answers are all just one worded answers so i am saving that in another js file as a cdn

Does that make any sense?