Shard Is not Working - Docker Sharded Cluster

I have setup sharded cluster on docker container, here are my setup,
3 Config servers
3 set of shard servers (each shard server has 2 replicas)
Loaded the data (43 million documents on Timeseries collection) using shard key created for timestamp field.
There are two reasons that tells me the shard is not working or not the data distributed across the nodes.
1 . With sh.status() - i see the ‘on shard’: ‘shard3RS’, so when i shutdown the 3rd set of shard servers (including 2 replicas/ secondaries), i am not able to access the data.
2. Response time access the data from this cluster is not making any difference between standalone and sharded cluster, the response time is slow

Can someone point where the problem could be with?

Thanks in advance,