Setting up MongoDB Atlas for Strapi CMS

I’ve read this nice article about how to set up MongoDB Atlas for Strapi (headless CMS): by @Ado_Kukic.
Since I’m already using Atlas for my existing app, I’m interested to set it up for Strapi as well.

However, I’m a bit worried about longer term support. In the Strapi docs, Installing from CLI - Strapi Developer Docs , I find only SQL databases as the officially supported ones. Not a single word about MongoDB or even Atlas. So how safe and supported is this described setup of Strapi with MongoDB for a production use case?

Should have googled a bit more…found this interesting post from Strapi: MongoDB support in Strapi: Past, Present & Future which answers part of my question…looks like official support for MongoDB by Strapi is still in flux…hope there will be a more positive answer soon.

I locked for the same question… I knew this Strapi news on their Website.

However, in this tutorial updated on 01/13/2022 (E-commerce website with Nuxt, GraphQL, Strapi and Stripe (1)), Pierre Burgy (one of the 3 fonders) of Strapi suggest it is possible to use Strapi with MongoDB: Read specefickly the Strapi part install.
I don’t understand why and above all, how it is possible to link MongoDB to Strapi?

If i have news,i will be back here…
Kinds regards, Emmanuel of France.

This written tutorial is oudated and not follow by Pierre Burgy.
Sorry for disturb.

If someone still looking for MongoDB Atlas connector for Strapi 3, they can try the following NPM