Service started Successfully but shows error 3584 in brew services list

Installed MongoDB community used “brew services start mongodb-community@7.0” to start and it said " Successfully started mongodb-community (label: homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-community)". Then when I use “brew services list” I get “mongodb-community error 3584”

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Check your mongod.log file
It will show details on why it is failing to start
Could be permissions or tmp sock file issues etc
You can refer to your mongod.conf file for the location of logpath,dbpath dirs
Check if they have proper permissions for mongod to write

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Thanks a lot. It works now.

bro can u please tell how us fixed this error

In my case it was not really an issue. Even though “brew services list” showed an error I was still able to access the DB using compass. Starting the service was not an issue for me(first line in the SS). Therefore I just ignored the services list error and starting using the db and it just works perfectly fine.

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yeah same for me. I guess it has to do something with “open at login”. macos already has started this service automatically but brew tries to start it again, ig thats why its an error.