Self-hosted MongoDB OpsManager Slack Integration - Bad Request 400

I am trying to integrate MongoDB OpsManager 1 with Slack for Alerts. However, I get to Status 400 Bad Request.


1- Click Slack Configure under Project Integration and then Sign in with Slack
enter image description here

2- It redirects me to
enter image description here

As it says the client id is not specified, I am just manually adding the url and hit the link

I get the my app permissions page on slack and hit the allow button, but when redirecting to OpsManager page it says bad request.

The thing is MongoDB documentation has no information about this integration. I have checked all kubernetes manifests and its documentation even to even find how to set client id for slack just not to add it manually and navigate the slack page for configuration but no luck.

I am feeling bad as I am stuck in a very basic configuration step here. Did anyone run into this issue before?

1 Ops Manager Slack Integration Page: Third-Party Service Integrations — MongoDB Cloud Manager

Yes, I’m experiencing the same issue. I dont know where to go and set this clientid. It is pretty frustrating when I dont see relevant help in MongoDB documentation. I have no idea where it is getting this clientid.
As an alternate I configured webhook but it is not posting any alerts to slack endpoint ether. I’m browsing logs and other places to find more details no luck so far.

Ahmad Drshen

There is however a workaround which worked for me. Prerequisites is that you add redirect url under slack application-> Manage Distribution .


get the clientid and secret from slack app and add in file. Typically ``/opt/mongodb/mms/conf/ .` This will require an Ops Manager restart.

Best of luck