Results Exams December 2021

Hello everyone, I took the developer exam on 15 Dec. May I know when the results will be released? Thank you very much.

I saw my developer certification result. Finally, I got passed the exam. :blush:


I don’t get my result yet :frowning:

I’ve got my cert result of DBA exam today, I got certified. Congrats ! :blush:

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Hey @Derek_Menendez,

Welcome to the MongoDB Community Forums!

As I can check, you have also recieved your certification result and have been certified. Check it out here

A big congratulations to you on this achievement :tada: :sparkles:

We wish you a lot of success ahead.

In case you have any questions feel free to reach out to us!


Similarly a big congratulations to @Yin_Ping_Lai and @Zhen_Qu for this wonderful achievement :medal_sports: and we wish you a lot of success ahead in your career and life. :tada: :sparkles:

Feel free to share this achievement on various social media :1st_place_medal: :sparkler:


Hello, @Kushagra_Kesav! I also haven’t got my result yet. Is there another way to check whether I passed the exam or not? In case the result has been sent to me, but I’ve missed the email.

Hi @Pharadorn_Kawayapanik,

Welcome to the MongoDB Community Forums!

We have sent out the certification results for Dec 2021 on 21-12-2021. You can check your result on MongoDB University Exam Dashboard.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

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