Restore from Different Cluster (on-prem)

I am curious about this topic too. Only I am working with an on-premise cluster of three (3) mongoDB servers.

The question I have is about the cluster configuration (see with rs.conf()). Cluster A is going to have it’s list of cluster members when I back up Cluster A.

How will cluster B handle when I restore a cold-backup copy of the database? Will it attempt to connect to the cluster A servers when I boot it up because the configuration (see with rs.conf()) will point to cluster A since that is where it was backed up from.

Are there any links which discuss this topic of, essentially, “Moving” a database from an old cluster to a new one?

Hi @Space_Cowboy - Welcome to the community :wave:

Are there any links which discuss this topic of, essentially, “Moving” a database from an old cluster to a new one?

The following Restore a Replica Set from MongoDB Backups documentation contains the instructions on how to restore a backup to a new replica set. It is also possible to restore using mongodump / mongorestore which is also mentioned on the same page. Utilisation of the mongodump / mongorestore will generally make the procedure much simpler but with tradeoffs such as slower backup & restore times if your database is very large.


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