Resort NestedArray

I’m working on a project where users are saving each other’s articles, and the saved items need to be able to be resort for other users to see.
How do I do this ?
my sample scheme to saves :

    "user_id" : "ObjectId",
    "saves" : [

how to update and resort saves key??

Hi @solo_dios,

Here is my attempt:

MongoDB [direct: primary] test> db.coll.findOne()
  _id: ObjectId("62263a2651e4f8025cf52597"),
  user_id: 'ObjectId',
  saves: [


    '$unwind': {
      'path': '$saves'
  }, {
    '$sort': {
      'saves': 1
  }, {
    '$group': {
      '_id': '$_id', 
      'saves': {
        '$push': '$saves'
  }, {
    '$merge': {
      'into': 'coll', 
      'on': '_id', 
      'whenMatched': 'merge', 
      'whenNotMatched': 'fail'


MongoDB [direct: primary] test> db.coll.findOne()
  _id: ObjectId("62263a2651e4f8025cf52597"),
  user_id: 'ObjectId',
  saves: [

If that’s not what you wanted, then I didn’t understand your question.


No no.
I did not mean to arrange the reading based on desc or asc.
I meant how to update the array.
For example, move item 4 to item 6 so that the others can see the list in the order in which it was made

If you want to insert elements at a given position in the array I would use $position.

You can also check the other array update operators that MongoDB supports. Basically you can manipulate arrays the way you want.


Thanks very very.
mongodb is a nice db

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