Request limit in the free tier


I know that Mongo Atlas free tier allows 500 concurrent users, however I want to know about any limit in the number of simultanous crud queries in this tier.

Also can you give me an idea about how much data can I store in 512 mb.
And is there a difference between storing 10 paragraphs and two sets of 5 paragraphs on the storage limit.

Thank you.

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Hi @sam23,

Atlas free tier allow 500 connections and a max of 500 collections (100 databases) in total.

It also allows only 100 crud requests per second at max.

There are more limitations here:

Its hard to.predict how your data will be compressed on disk and it depends on docs structure and data types:

It is possible for mostly text/number documents to be up to 3-5 time compressed.

Please note : we don’t recommend M0 for production usage and it is meant for POC or development only.



Hey @sam23!

According to the MongoDB Atlas documentation, the M0 free tier has a limit of 500 concurrent incoming connections.

With regard to your question about the amount of data that you can save with 512 MB of space, is “it depends.” MongoDB has a maximum document size limit of 16 MB, which means if you maxed out your documents, you could save 512 MB/16MB = 32 documents. However, this is VERY unusual, and most users have MUCH smaller documents.

For example, I have a M0 cluster and each document is about 500 bytes, which means I can save about 512 Mb (4096000000 bytes) / 500 bytes = 8,192,000 Documents before I max out my M0 tier, This example tends to be more of an “average” users experience, but again, it depends on your data schema.

You can find more information about limits of each tier here.


Thank you.
Given that I am on a budget, I will start with the free tier on Atlas and possibly switch to another hosting platform.

I want to know if I have to change anything , regarding queries structure, when migrating my database to another hosting provider. I have a modest experience with Atlas only.
Thank you.

Hi @sam23,

As long as you stick to the MongoDB version the queries itself should work similarly anywhere (functionally speaking, with the mentioned restrictions on the documentation) .

However, using Atlas have huge benefits with a fair price therefore I am not sure I understand your consideration of leaving the platform where you can scale as needed and have backup and lots of other features unavailable for other hosting (triggers, atlas search, data lake, realm apps , backups , security etc.)

Additionally, you get access to full support and a user chat to directly discuss your issues or challenges.

We would love to hear your thoughts on moving to other platform to see how we can improve.
