[ReplBatcher] terminate() called. An exception is active; attempting to gather more information

Our Mongod instance crashed last night after throwing the below exception, we are running MongoDB 3.6.14 (which we are planning on upgrading to 4.2 in a few months but can’t right now due to application dependency on 3.6):

2021-07-22T23:04:45.808-0500 F -        [ReplBatcher] terminate() called. An exception is active; attempting to gather more information
2021-07-22T23:04:45.830-0500 F -        [ReplBatcher] DBException::toString(): Location40415: BSON field 'OplogEntryBase.wal|' is an unknown field.

I was wondering if anyone had experience this issue or a similar one? I tried finding information on the Exception but I couldn’t find any.