Realm Function | Failed to install dependencies | Failed to transpile | "realm" Dependency


I am trying to install the dependency “realm” in a custom ‘User confirmation method’.

I am currently using the example boilerplate code which uses const Realm = require("realm");

However whenever i try to add this dependency via the realmUI i get a transpile error about a react-native module.

Is there a version of “realm” that does not contain any react-native modules?


Hey there - is there. reason you’re trying to install realm within a serverless function? The realm package is intended to be used with a client such as a mobile app or a device on the edge so it can store data locally rather than in an ephemeral function.

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Hey Sumedha,

Apologise, when you select a custom function for confirmation method in the user authentication process, there is an example in the auto-generated “confirmFunc”. I miss read the example and didn’t see that it was an example that needed to be called from the app using the realm sdk


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