Query with Date operation

Hi There,

I want to create a pipeline aggregate by comparing current date with some date.
But my need is to operate addDate (day) to my date in datebase.

Here y aggregate pipeline

                { $$NOW: 
                                    startDate: "audiences.startDate" ,
                                    unit: "day",
                                    amount: "audiences.audience.membershipDuration"

And here the data stored in mongodb

            "description":"test longeurs chaines hsdfsqdfsqfdhsqkdjf sdfsjdfsqdfkl sdfSDFSDF SDFSQDFSQ sdfsqdfsq",


Hi Mo,

I’m assuming you’re having an error, but you don’t state what that was. Based on playing around with the code you posted above I was getting the following error:

MongoServerError: PlanExecutor error during aggregation :: caused by :: $dateAdd requires startDate to be convertible to a date

If that’s what you’re running into, I was able to resolve that by $unwinding the audiences array. It seem like the array is causing issues in the $dateAdd call.

If you’re having other issues let us know what they are so we can more quickly help you out.

Hi Doug_Duncan,

In my mongodb collection, startDate is a date.
Here’s the message error in my case:

	"message" : "unknown top level operator: $$NOW. If you have a field name that starts with a '$' symbol, consider using $getField or $setField.",
	"ok" : 0,
	"code" : 2,
	"codeName" : "BadValue",
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1660636531, 8),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : "TglED2lvQswahQMyU5G7aIEsQBA=",
			"keyId" : NumberLong("7067609856571604994")
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1660636531, 8)

If you look at the documentation of $addDate you will see that both startDate and amount requires an <expression>. As such to access your field values you need to use the dollar sign. So it should be

startDate: "$audiences.startDate"

rather than

startDate: "audiences.startDate"

The syntax for $match is

fieldName : ValueOrComparator

The $$NOW variable is not a field name. I am not too sure about this one but I think you need to be inside $expr to be able to use it.

You could also use $addFields and set a new field to the value of $$NOW:

        "$addFields": {"currentTime": "$$NOW"}

Which one is the best depends on if the value of $$NOW is needed only once in the pipeline.

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Hi Doug,

Thanks for the reply.
but i don’t know the correct syntax to use in my query below

        "$addFields": {"currentTime": "$$NOW"}

Here’s my query

                { $$NOW: 
                                    startDate: "audiences.startDate" ,
                                    unit: "day",
                                    amount: "audiences.audience.membershipDuration"

I need help

I was not able to get $dateAdd to work in a $match stage, but I could have been doing something wrong.

Something like this should work, or at least be a starting place for you:

      $unwind: "$audiences"
      $addFields: {
        qualify: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $gte: [
                  $dateAdd: {
                    startDate: "$audiences.startDate",
                    unit: "day",
                    amount: "$audiences.audience.membershipDuration"
            then: true,
            else: false
      $match: {
        qualify: true

Note that you will want to put a $match to filter out any documents that you don’t want to work with to lessen the load on the server.

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Thank you to much @Doug_Duncan