Query Timing Out and Indexing Not Helping, 504 Error

Hello! I’m relatively new to MongoDB, and am having trouble understanding why my query is taking so long. To give a bit of background, I’m creating a query to pull down activity data for users, where for each user their activity is stored as an array of entries with times attached. I attempted to create a combined index for my DB to make userid and time queries quicker. It looks like this: userid_1_activity.time_1 in Atlas.

My query looks like this:

import connectMongoDB from "../../../../../../libs/mongoDB";
import Personal from "../../../../../../models/Personal";

export async function GET(request, { params }) {
  await connectMongoDB();
  const { id, date, timezone } = params;
  const startOfDay = new Date(date);
  startOfDay.setHours(timezone, 0, 0);
  const endOfDay = new Date(new Date(date).setDate(startOfDay.getDate() + 1));
  endOfDay.setHours(0, 0, 0);

  const user = await Personal.aggregate([
      $match: {
        userid: id,
      $unwind: "$activity",
      $match: {
        "activity.time": {
          $gte: startOfDay,
          $lt: endOfDay,
      $project: {
        _id: 0,
        activity: 1,


  const activity = user ? user.map((a) => a.activity) : [];

  return Response.json({ response: activity }, { status: 200 });
If its of any help, Atlas is taking a ridiculously long amount of time to pull down the documents when I open the database. Also, there are 42000 datapoints in the document I'm querying.