Query ObjectId Using PHP and MongoDB\Client

Hello community. I am a very experienced PHP/MySql developer but I am struggling mightily querying an existing MongoDB collection.

When I query in console, I get the expected result

	_id: {
		$in: [

When I query in PHP, I get an error:

$client = new MongoDB\Client(mongodb://localhost);
$db = $client->somedb
		"_id" => [
			"$in" => [

Notice : Undefined variable: in...
Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ObjectId() in... 

My collection looks like this:

"_id" : ObjectId("1234567890abcdefghijklmn"),
"someobject" : {
	"_id" : ObjectId("2345678901abcdefghijklmn"),
	"someotherobject" : ObjectId("3456789012abcdefghijklmn"),
	"somebiggerobject" : {
		"_id" : ObjectId("4567890123abcdefghijklmn"),
		"object1" : "abided",
		"object2" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("1234567890nmlkjihgfedcba"),
"someobject" : {
	"_id" : ObjectId("2345678901nmlkjihgfedcba"),
	"someotherobject" : ObjectId("3456789012nmlkjihgfedcba"),
	"somebiggerobject" : {
		"_id" : ObjectId("4567890123nmlkjihgfedcba"),
		"object1" : "abided",
		"object2" : {

First, I want to know how to query by ObjectId.

Next, and more importantly, I need to be able to do a more advanced query where I:
Return all documents containing someobject.somebiggerobject.object2._id = ObjectId(“skdjhfskjdfsdjfh”)

Make sense?

Oh, and I am on a deadline :slight_smile: