$project stage not working

Hi, I have working pipeline. However when I add $project stage it does not work. ‘false’ instead of ‘0’ does not work neither. Moving $project stage after $skip or $limit does not work.

Does anyone know what can be the problem here?

Pipeline is set up like this:

			$search : {
				index : 'default',
				compound: {
					must: [
							'autocomplete': {
								query: _options.query,
								path: 'plainText',
								fuzzy: {
									maxEdits: 2,
									prefixLength: 3,
							equals: {
								path: 'searchAccessList',
								value: _userID,
			$project: {
				'searchAccessLists': 0
			$skip: _options.skip || _options.defaultSkip
			$limit: Math.min((_options.limit || _options.defaultLimit), _options.maxLimit)

Index definition:

"mappings": {
	"dynamic": false,
	"fields": {
		"plainText": {
			"minGrams": 3,
			"tokenization": "nGram",
			"type": "autocomplete"
		"searchAccessList": {
			"type": "objectId"
		"tags": {
			"analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
			"type": "string"


May be it is because you have


Yes, sorry I found it right after submitting this thread, however I couldnt delete it before approval.

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