I have problem with Atlas registration in MongoDB university. I followed the steps and still the same error when I press check.
Incorrect solution 4/4
Please review your Atlas Authentication and retry, the ‘atlas auth register’ must completed successfully for you to continue. Please refer to the ‘Instructions’ section in right pane for more details.
Do you have multiple organizations tied to your account? I think it’s trying to look at your first org even if you selected another in the previous step. My “atlas org page” link is not to the same org I selected.
This error appears when no user is authenticated to the Atlas cli.
When you run atlas auth register, you need to return to the lab terminal and follow the prompts to complete the authentication process. Then you can click check.
If you already have an existing Atlas account and you ran atlas auth register, click Log in Now in the registration page instead. Alternatively, run atlas auth login instead of atlas auth register.
If, despite this, the lab still fails, send an email to learn@mongodb.com for support from the MongoDB University team. Attach screenshots showing the terminal, i.e the commands and prompts as well as the error messages.