how to get db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo() function implement
learn from How to get data for printReplicationInfo using Java or Node JS?
I try to use db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo on
Using MongoDB: 5.0.28
Using Mongosh: 2.3.0
the out put is
[Function: printSecondaryReplicationInfo] AsyncFunction {
apiVersions: [ 0, 0 ],
topologies: [ 'ReplSet' ],
returnsPromise: true,
serverVersions: [ '0.0.0', '999.999.999' ],
returnType: { type: 'unknown', attributes: {} },
deprecated: false,
platforms: [ 'Compass', 'Browser', 'CLI' ],
isDirectShellCommand: false,
acceptsRawInput: false,
shellCommandCompleter: undefined,
help: [Function (anonymous)] Help
I want to get the replLag() in go