Possible to connect 2 data sources without lookup?


We’re using an M10 cluster to store all our data.
We have several collections including:

  • messages that has around 2.5M documents and each document has a user field
  • users that has a phone field

I wanted to graph how many messages there were over time from users that had entered their phone number but the number of documents in the messages collection makes that complicated.

I can’t do a $lookup ‘message.user’ -> $match ‘user.phone’ as the request won’t complete.

The only way I’d be able to do this would be by first getting all users with a non null phone and then matching that id list in the messages collection.

Is it possible (or will it be possible in the future) to do something like this?

Thank you!

Hi @Thomas_Bianchi and welcome in the MongoDB Community :muscle: !

I think it would be more efficient to lookup from users => messages rather than do a lookup from messages => users and then do a match to eliminate all the messages without a user with a phone number.

That way, you are not joining 2.5M docs and then eliminate a bunch of them.

Let me illustrate with an example. I made a little script in Python to generate a fake database. 50% of the users have a phone number (1 => 50).

At the end, I’m also executing my pipeline and I’m showing the results in 10 date buckets. As you can see below, I’m doing:

  • $match => exists phone (it uses the index {phone:1})
  • $lookup => fetch the messages associated to a user with a phone number.
  • Then you can do whatever you need to shape the data the way you need it for your chart. Some of my steps are not necessary in my pipeline I guess but it helped me thinking in MongoDB Compass (see screenshot).

Note that to support the lookup, I also created the {user_id:1} index on the messages collection.

from datetime import datetime

from faker import Faker
from pymongo import MongoClient

fake = Faker()

def random_messages():
    docs = []
    for _id in range(1, 1001):
        doc = {
            '_id': _id,
            'user_id': fake.pyint(min_value=1, max_value=100),
            'message': fake.sentence(nb_words=10),
            'date': datetime.strptime(fake.iso8601(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    return docs

def random_users_with_phones():
    docs = []
    for _id in range(1, 50):
        doc = {
            '_id': _id,
            'firstname': fake.first_name(),
            'lastname': fake.last_name(),
            'phone': fake.phone_number()
    return docs

def random_users_without_phones():
    docs = []
    for _id in range(51, 101):
        doc = {
            '_id': _id,
            'firstname': fake.first_name(),
            'lastname': fake.last_name()
    return docs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = MongoClient()
    db = client.get_database('test')
    messages = db.get_collection('messages')
    users = db.get_collection('users')
    print('Import done!')


    pipeline = [
            '$match': {
                'phone': {
                    '$exists': 1
        }, {
            '$lookup': {
                'from': 'messages',
                'localField': '_id',
                'foreignField': 'user_id',
                'as': 'messages'
        }, {
            '$unwind': {
                'path': '$messages'
        }, {
            '$replaceRoot': {
                'newRoot': '$messages'
        }, {
            '$bucketAuto': {
                'groupBy': '$date',
                'buckets': 10,
                'output': {
                    'count': {
                        '$sum': 1

    print('Result aggregation:')
    for doc in users.aggregate(pipeline):

I hope it helps :slight_smile:.
