$out in aggregation stagereturns unknown error

Using Atlas aggregation wizard on a sample collection, the $out stage returns

An unknown error occurred

When running the aggregation inside a function, the result is:

(AtlasError) $out is not allowed or the syntax is incorrect

Code here:

exports = function(payload, response) {
  const mongodb = context.services.get("mongodb-atlas");
  const readColl = mongodb.db("temp_db").collection("temp_read")
  const writeColl = mongodb.db("temp_db").collection("temp_write")
  const myAgg = readColl.aggregate([ { $sample: { size: 2 } }, { $out: "temp_write" } ])
  return myAgg

Any advice from the community?

Hi @enjoywithouthey,

Can you share the pipeline and which sample collection you used?

Also which cluster Tier are you using in Atlas and which version ? Anything out of the ordinary with your cluster?

My Tier is $0.1/1M Serverless

The sample data I made up. It’s in a collection I’m calling temp_read

I’m selecting some random documents and pushing them to an empty collection called temp_write

$merge in a previous pipeline worked fine. $out is giving errors.

Here’s the sample data:

      "1": "A"
      "2": "B"
      "3": "C"
      "4": "D"
      "5": "E"
      "6": "F"
      "7": "G"


        size: 2,

Thanks for your help!

@MaBeuLux88 I did a little digging and found something interesting…

On some previous Clusters I made for tutorials, version 5.0.15 installs automatically under the M0 free tier. No problems with $out.

I made a recent paid production M1 Cluster (the cluster causing the problem with $out) and that cluster is version 6.2.1. The problem with $out persists.

Hope this helps.

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@MaBeuLux88 to verify, I just spun-up a M10 Dedicated Cluster, which allowed me to choose v5 in the advanced configuration (instead of v6).

$out works no problem.

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I was able to reproduce on a serverless instance as well :confused: !

Serverless instances don’t support the $out stage. Use $merge instead.


Ok, thanks.

Maybe that we’ve created a thread on this subject, the results will be scrapped and show up in search engines. Appreciate the help.

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I wasn’t aware of this limitation of serverless. Hopefully it goes away soon.
But the error message could be better. I’ll create a ticket to improve it. It would have been easier for you to understand the source of the problem.

Cheers, :+1:

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