I want to create an online archive for a collection. I would like this to be date based, archiving any documents older than 14 days. However, the only date field in the document is _id (an object id). It does not seem like online archive supports using _id as the date field?
Any suggestions on how I could do this?
Hello @Sean_Daniels ,
Yes, with Online Archive, you cannot use _id as the date field.
Technically, you can incorporate the workaround of using the $expr in custom criteria of Online Archive. The custom query will likely not be using an index and the archival process itself will be likely slow. We have mentioned below in our documentation :
For custom criteria that use an expression, Atlas might first convert a value before it evaluates it against the query.
The recommendation is that you create a new indexed date field. This is the right approach that will optimize/improve the archiving speed.
We wouldn’t recommend custom criteria and using $expr and using _id due to the slowness mentioned above.
@Prem_PK_Krishna we can directly use _id in the query without using the $exp right as shown in below query?
"_id": {
"$lt": ObjectId(Math.floor(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 14) / 1000).toString(16) + "0000000000000000")
Isn’t it better to use the existing _id field which is already indexed and has timestamp related info rather than adding new date field?