$$NOW vs ISODate() in aggregations

Doing aggregations on MongoDB Atlas 6.0.4

Why doesn’t $$NOW work in greater than, less than etc comparion matches when ISODate() does?

If I have a workflow stage like this:

    dolNow: '$$NOW',
    isoNow: ISODate()

I get the expected values added to pipeline documents (note the actual milliseconds differ slightly):

dolNow : 2023-02-22T17:56:34.358+00:00
isoNow : 2023-02-22T17:56:34.318+00:00

But if I use $$NOW and ISODate() in comparisons, only ISODate() results in a valid comparison occuring.

    endDate: {$gt: '$$NOW'}


    endDate: {$gt: ISODate()}

Against exactly the same documents, only the $match using ISODate() returns any documents where the endDate is in the future. I thought that we could use $$NOW here as it also returns the current time as an ISODate?

Very good question.

The devil is in the details and most of the times the details are documented.

In $addFields we have

$addFields has the following form:

{ $addFields: { <newField>: <expression>, ... } }

However, in $match we have

The $match stage has the following prototype form:

{ $match: { <query> } }

For query we have

To specify equality conditions, use <field>:<value> expressions in the query filter document:

{ <field1>: <value1>, ... }

As an expression $$NOW gives you

A variable that returns the current datetime value. NOW returns the same value for all members of the deployment and remains the same throughout all stages of the aggregation pipeline.

As a value $$NOW gives you the string “$$NOW”. Now WOW


Instead, use a $expr query expression to include aggregation expression in $match.

And $now $why ISODate works? It does because ISODate is a function call on the client, so it is always sent as a value to the server so it works as well in isoNow:<value> and in isoNow:<expression> since a value is a valid expression.


Hello @Ben_Giddins ,

@steevej’s answer is very well explained and I just want to add a point to same.

When I ran your first query with .explain(“executionStats”)

    dt: {$gt: ISODate()}

The query got parsed like this in the explain and you can see it took ISODate() and converted it to current date value

 parsedQuery: {
      dt: {
        '$gt': 2023-02-23T03:39:50.017Z

and returned a result.

On the other hand, when I ran the same with $$NOW

    dt: {$gt: '$$NOW'}

you can see the query parser did not convert the value of $$NOW,the reason was explained well in the earlier post by @steevej

 parsedQuery: {
      dt: {
        '$gt': '$$NOW'

Hence, no result is returned now.



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