Node.js MongoClient with default family's database differing from mongod database

I installed MongoDB Community Server and also installed the MongoSH shell package on my computer.

I then created a new database & collection using MongoSH which worked fine even with CRUD operations.

I then created a new project folder to run an app.js using Node (I installed mongodb@4.13 driver as per instructions on the documentations) but after running the following:

const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");

const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017";

const client = new MongoClient(url);

async function run() {

  try {

    const database = client.db("fruitsDB");

    const fruits = database.collection('fruits');

    // create an array of documents to insert

    const docs = [

        { name: "Pineapple", score: 1, review: "Great fruit"},

        { name: "Guava", score: 5, review: "Kinda sour"},

        { name: "Rambutan", score: 10, review: "Great stuff!"}


    // this option prevents additioanl documents from being inserted if one fails

    const options = { ordered: true};

    const result = await fruits.insertMany(docs, options);

    console.log(`${result.insertedCount} documents were inserted`);

  } finally {
    // Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
    await client.close();

I went over to my MongoSH shell and ran show dbs
However, this new fruitsDB did not show up in the list of databases.

I thought I had somehow failed the CRUD operations in the app.js file and thus modified my app.js file to query for the data I had inserted above:

const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");

// Replace the uri string with your connection string.

const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017";

const client = new MongoClient(url);

async function run() {

  try {

    const database = client.db("fruitsDB");

    const fruits = database.collection('fruits');

// Query for fruit with name 'Orange'

    const query = { name: "Rambutan"};

    const options = {

        projection: { _id: 0, score: 1}


    const fruit = await fruits.findOne(query, options);


  } finally {

    // Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error

    await client.close();




When I ran this app.js using node, I got { score: 10 } as expected in my terminal, which left me very much dumbfounded!

After checking up the FAQ section under the Node.js driver page of the documentations, I saw that an option was to explicitly use IPV4 by specifying family: 4 as an option in the MongoClient.

I altered my app.js code to include this option and now when I re-run the 1st set of code at the top of this post, MongoSH detects that the fruitsDB is created and displays it when I run show dbs.

So my question is: Where did my initial creation of database and insertion of data go to when I did not explicitly specify IPV4 usage? and how do I access these from MongoSH?