No MongoDB versions have been made available for use in your deployment. At least one MongoDB version must be made available before any changes to your Deployment can be made using Automation

Hosted ops manager in amazon linux 2 by following the documentation and this is the error I face while trying to create a replica set

Did anyone got this resolved? We have the same issue in local mode of install

This is likely because you have set the automation.versions.source=local.
When running on this setting, you have the responsibility to populate the /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases manually.
I would suggest to run it on remote mode first, and observe what is needed, then if you need, switch it back to local.

Hi Daniel, assuming there is no remote option, since you are behind three firewalls with no internet connection, how to populate that directory - what ist the structure and how do I tell the ops-manager that files are there?