MongoServerError: Updating the path 'x.path' would create a conflict at 'x'

I am trying to unset some subdocument keys

const doc = {
    "_id" : ObjectId("61548435c2f5315704f1d2c9"),
    "description": "some text",
    "game" : {
        "id" : "63991b8f-083b-4b34-a314-cb64e7487fde",
        "description" : "gta",
        "image" : undefined,
        "isActive" : true
  await this.conn.updateOne({ id: doc._id }, 
    { ...doc, $unset:  { "game.image": "" } 

MongoServerError: Updating the path ‘game.image’ would create a conflict at ‘game’

This basically happens when you try to update the value of a same key with more than one MongoDB Update Operators within the same query.

If you pass the same key in $set and in $unset when updating an item, you will get that error.

How to unset only one subdocument key?

I do not think that you should have …doc at the start of the second parameter.

If you only want to $unset game.image try:

 await this.conn.updateOne({ id: doc._id }, { $unset:  { "game.image": "" } });

It addition you might want to have _id : doc._id as the query rather than id : doc._id.

yes, I am using DDD, and trying to update all aggregate keys on only one command. my document has id generated by domain.

I fixed that using code bellow

		await this.conn.updateOne({ _id: doc._id }, { ...doc } });
		await this.conn.updateOne({ _id: doc._id }, {  $unset: { "game.image": "" } });

But I have to execute two commands.
Any Idea how to do all on only one command?

So you want to do 2 things. But you wrote:

To do the 2 things you will have to modify doc so it only contains the values you want to update. Try the following:

const id = ObjectId("61548435c2f5315704f1d2c9") ;
const set_fields = {
    "description": "some text",
    "" : "63991b8f-083b-4b34-a314-cb64e7487fde",
    "game.description" : "gta",
    "game.isActive" : true
} ;
const unset_fields = {
  "game.image" : true
await this.conn.updateOne({ _id: id }, 
    { $set : set_fields , $unset:  unset_fields  });

I tested using the following in mongo shell:

> db.test.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615496a6df01ca14ce140325"), "game" : { "image" : 1 } }
> set_fields = { "d" : 1 , "" : 2 , "game.isActive" : true }
{ "d" : 1, "" : 2, "game.isActive" : true }
> unset_fields = { "game.image" : "" }
{ "game.image" : "" }
> update = { "$set" : set_fields , "$unset" : unset_fields }
	"$set" : {
		"d" : 1,
		"" : 2,
		"game.isActive" : true
	"$unset" : {
		"game.image" : ""
> db.test.updateOne( { _id : id } , update )
{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615496a6df01ca14ce140325"), "game" : { "id" : 2, "isActive" : true }, "d" : 1 }

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Thank-you very much. Based on your answer, I found the following solution

  const doc = {
      id : "63991b8f-083b-4b34-a314-cb64e7487fde",
      description: "some text",
      game : {
          id : "63991b8f-083b-4b34-a314-cb64e7487fde",
          description : "gta",
          image: undefined,
          isActive: true
  const undefinedKeys = [ "game.image" ]

  await conn.updateOne({ id: }, [ 
    { $set: { ...doc } }, { $unset: undefinedKeys } 

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