Mongorestore: Replication Oplog Window has gone below 1 hours

I am trying to import an archive using mongorestore. I have a MongoDB Atlas replica set with 3 nodes. I tried “/writeConcern=majority” and even “/writeConcern=3” but I keep getting a “Replication Oplog Window has gone below 1 hours” email warning. I have found Alert Replication Oplog Window has gone below 1 hours which gives two options. One is exactly to utilize “writeConcern”, while the other being increasing the cluster “oplog size” (which is something I want to avoid).

Why isn’t “writeConcern” working?

Any help is appreciated.

When you write lots data, your oplog window is going to drop. If it drops below your replication lag the node is going to enter recovering state. Check your metrics, how close did you come to a disaster? If you came close, next time you import a similar amount of data make sure you increase your oplog size. Do not say you don’t want to do it. You have to or you can import your data in smaller batches.

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what is reasons for replication oplog window has gone below

which circumstances replication oplog window has gone below

From the first sentence of the post just prior to your first:

Thanks for reply quick

How do we find writes lots data ?
But only one reason for has going below?

As per documentation

the OpLog represents the write/update operations that needs to be replicated. So the answer to

is yes.

And the answer to

in the oplog.

what is query and how to fetch lots data from oplog