Mongorestore is failing to perform full restore of all the databases and collections to the seed instance installed using bitnami helm charts


I am facing an issue with the mongorestore operation where in I have the fullbackup dump which is encrypted using vault transit secrets engine, when decrypted I can find all the databases and collections present. However when using mongorestore to restore to the seed instance the logs include found collection to restore to but never really restore to the instance. Some sample logs as below

2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection admin.rates bson to restore to admin.rates
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection metadata from admin.rates to restore to admin.rates
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection admin.savings bson to restore to admin.savings
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection metadata from admin.savings to restore to admin.savings
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection admin.system.roles bson to restore to admin.system.roles
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection metadata from admin.system.roles to restore to admin.system.roles
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection admin.system.users bson to restore to admin.system.users
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection metadata from admin.system.users to restore to admin.system.users
2021-05-21T16:19:15.348+0000	found collection admin.system.version bson to restore to admin.system.version

The command used for fullbackup is mongodump --uri mongodb+srv://$(db_user):$db_password@$(db_hostname) --oplog

The command used for restore is mongorestore --host mongo-restore-mongodb-0.mongo-restore-mongodb-headless.dr-backups.svc.cluster.local,mongo-restore-mongodb-1.mongo-restore-mongodb-headless.dr-backups.svc.cluster.local -vvvv --authenticationDatabase admin --username root --password <password> dump --drop

Strangely though restoring to the local mongodb instance works fine, also to the new instance in mongodb atlas just facing issues with the helm chart based instance setup in the k8s cluster.

Would appreciate any help with regard to this

Please check mongo tools documentation.What is the version you are using?
–host will be of the form


Also when you use oplog with mongodump corresponding param need to pass while restore

Updating the --host by including replSetName helped. Thanks for all the help :slight_smile:

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