I implemented the Java Spring boot application and used mongoCK for controlling database change. In normal cases, it works well. Today I have a new changelog that has affected a huge of data(more than 500k documents). I got an error when mongoCK tried to update DB. It’s happened when the data changed around 380k documents.
io.mongock.driver.api.lock.LockCheckException: Quit trying lock after 180000 millis due to LockPersistenceException:
current lock: LockEntry{key='DEFAULT_KEY', status='LOCK_HELD', owner='c83dd1ac-ece4-47a1-b189-3b818e58c139', expiresAt=Thu May 02 20:53:37 ICT 2024}
new lock: Document{{$set=Document{{key=DEFAULT_KEY, status=LOCK_HELD, owner=c83dd1ac-ece4-47a1-b189-3b818e58c139, expiresAt=Thu May 02 20:53:38 ICT 2024}}}}
acquireLockQuery: And Filter{filters=[Filter{fieldName='key', value=DEFAULT_KEY}, Filter{fieldName='status', value=LOCK_HELD}, Filter{fieldName='owner', value=c83dd1ac-ece4-47a1-b189-3b818e58c139}]}
db error detail: not db error
Do you have any suggestion?