Mongodb prometheus discovery endpoint doesnt return private endpoints for peered network

mongo-db prometheus discovery endpoint doesn’t return private endpoints for peered network.

We are using VPC peering to connect with Mongo Atlas. With the recent account about, prometheus integration. We added scrape config to mongo-db discovery API. However, scraping times out. Upon checking further it is found that discovery API returns public endpoints not private ones. Hence connection is failing. Is there a way that discovery API can send private endpoints.


Same issue here, we need to use a static file in order to scrape mongodb through the private endpoint…

Discovery just returns an empty list for me. Are these known issues? Would really love to have prometheus integration working.

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Hi Aslam,

Private endpoints are not supported for the Prom integration today. However, this is a great idea for a future enhancement. I’ll add this as an enhancement request for the backlog and keep you all updated as we make progress.

Thank you!

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Hi @Aslam_Khan, @Kara_Spencer, and @Clement_Mondion,

I just wanted to follow up on this thread and update you all that the Atlas Prometheus integration does now support VPC peering. In Atlas, when configuring your Prometheus integration, you can choose the discovery API target type to be either public or private. Hope this helps!

Thank you,

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Hi @Frank_Sun,

Thanks for the follow up, does that work also when using vpc endpoints ?

Best regards,

Hi @Clement_Mondion,

This does not yet support PrivateLink.


Hey @Frank_Sun

Is there an update or estimate on the support for PrivateLink?

Thanks for your feedback,

Not sure if can help. I have opened an “idea” here

Hey @Kara_Spencer. I am trying to set up prometheus integration and facing the same issue. Have you managed to find a solution for it?

Private metric endpoints does not accessible from vpc-peering private connection. Is this expected behavior?
Now we are using private connection only for database connections, so Ip Access List tab is empty.