MongoDB PHP Library 1.7.0-beta1 Released

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.7.0-beta1 of the MongoDB PHP library is now available. This library is a high-level abstraction for the mongodb extension.

Release Highlights

This beta release provides support for new features in MongoDB 4.4.

For authentication, this release adds support for the new MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism. The SCRAM mechanism now supports shorter conversation when authenticating with the server.

The delete command (and its helpers), delete operations in bulk writes, as well as all findAndModify operations now support specifying a hint option.

As previously announced, this version drops compatibility with PHP 5.6, limiting support to PHP 7.0 and newer.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found at:


Documentation for this library may be found at:


If you encounter any bugs or issues with this library, please report them via this form:


This library may be installed or upgraded with:

composer require mongodb/mongodb^1.7.0@beta

Installation instructions for the mongodb extension may be found in the documentation.

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