MongoDB kubernetes operator does not upgrade statefulset

Hello all, only thing I change is replicas number in the CR yaml manifest.

That is strange because according to operator I should be able to do this. My statefulset is not scaling. I checked last applied configurations, last success apply and no any differences were there. Is this some kind of bug or what?

Using 6.0.4 MongoDB community version.
Using 0.7.8 operator version.

I tried removing annotations for existing CRD which states as failed after apply and reapply again - no result. Nothing was changed so previous setup is still online and working. However, it prompts errors without any reasons.

The error I get:
ERROR controllers/mongodb_status_options.go:104 Error deploying MongoDB ReplicaSet: error creating/updating StatefulSet: error creating/updating StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps “mongodb” is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than ‘replicas’, ‘ordinals’, ‘template’, ‘updateStrategy’, ‘persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy’ and ‘minReadySeconds’ are forbidden

@michael_hoeller Sorry for bothering you, perhaps you could help me on this one or assign anyone?

Hey @karolizi thanks for reaching out. Can you either open an issue at the GH repo or follow the issue template and provide the given information?

Its very likely that you have set in your statefulset an override which is not supported.

Hi @Nam_Nguyen4 I have submitted git issue with as many details as possible:


thanks a lot, that is great! Answered there.

@Nam_Nguyen4 @michael_hoeller Hi, sorry for disturbing you but I think operator still works quirky :frowning: tried adding arbiter to PS replicaset to make it PSA. 2 members are fine but after adding 1 arbiter, operator goes into some crashloop with agent goal state. I checked go code for that part yet did not udnderstand this behaviour