Mongodb is pointing to another database in gcloud run deploy through github action

I have github action file in that im running gcloud run deploy service in google cloud run.

We have 2 services running in cloud run and same applied through github action

  1. UI Service (frontend)
  2. API Service (backend)

Here is the action.yml of API Service (backend)

- name: Deploy to Cloud Run
        run: |
          gcloud run deploy ${{ env.GCR_SERVICE }} \
             --image ${{ env.GAR_LOCATION }}${{ env.PROJECT_ID }}/${{ env.REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGE }}:${{ }} \
             --region ${{ env.GCR_REGION }} \
             --set-env-vars "TEST_API=,TEST_SCHEDULE_ONE_API=https://xxxxxx,TEST_PERFORMANCE_ONE_API=https://xxxxxx,DB_URI=mongodb+srv://,DB_NAME=webapp_test,US_WEST=https://xxxxxx,US_EAST=https://xxxxxx,EU_WEST=https://xxxxxx,ASIA_PACIPIC=https://xxxxxx" \
             --platform managed \
             --allow-unauthenticated \
             --port=8080 \
             --timeout=3600 \
             --update-labels commit-sha=${{ github.sha }}

Im sharing just only cloud run deploy job because there only i thinking its not reflecting to actually database

Here is the action.yml of UI Service (frontend)

### Get the Deploying Container to Gooogle Cloud RUN ###
      - name: Deploy to Cloud Run
        run: |
           gcloud run deploy ${{ env.GCR_SERVICE }} \
             --image ${{ env.GAR_LOCATION }}${{ env.PROJECT_ID }}/${{ env.REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGE }}:${{ }} \
             --region us-west1 \
             --set-env-vars TEST_API_URL= \
             --platform managed \
             --allow-unauthenticated \
             --port=8080 \
             --timeout=3600 \
             --update-labels commit-sha=${{ github.sha }}

      - name: 'Show output'
        run: echo ${{ steps.deploy.outputs.url }} 

Here is the screenshot that show its pointing to another databases

And in real it should point to API Service but it point to

Why its taking and where im wrong dont know


Should i give key-value in gcloud run deploy in that like this TEST_API= or (which one is correct and wrong)
May i know what is the best to pass key-value variable through secret or env or gcloud run deploy or sed -i ‘s@TEST_API=.*$@TEST_API=’
Most important how to i pass mongodb in gcloud run through github action