Mongodb how to aggregate more different fields of the same collection with the same request?

Hello to all,
I would like to aggregate more different fields of the same collection with the same request called aggregate4, together with another request called query (query is full text) (aggregate is regex) but I’m having difficulty, example:

$text: {$search: '\"' + query.split(' ').join('\" \"') + '\"'}, //full text req.query
name_lower: new RegExp('^'+ aggregate1), // req.query.aggregate1 ok
surname_lower: new RegExp('^'+ aggregate2),//req.query.aggregate2 ok
sex_lower: new RegExp( aggregate3),//req.query.aggregate3 ok
note4_lower: new RegExp(aggregate4), //problem //req.query.aggregate4 
note5_lower: new RegExp(aggregate4),//problem //req.query.aggregate4 

note that note4_lower and note5_lower share the same request (aggregate4), unfortunately I only receive the note4.lower column in this case or note5.lower reversing the or and.

I tried to do the same with two $OR one for note4_lower and one for note5.lower, I also tried with collection.find as well as aggregate but nothing, or I receive only the “COLUMN” note4.lower or only the “COLUMN” note5.lower … In both columns there are NULL fields (so either the field has note4.lower or note5.lower)

can someone help me? I hope I explained myself well, thanks!
PS it is better to use find for this case?

Hi @andrew_xoa,

Would you be able to provide some example document(s) as well as your desired results?
