MongoDB DBA Exam Results Not Received

Hi Mongo Community.

On Friday 31st May I took my MongoDB Associate Database Administrator exam, I unfortunately failed it. My proctor showed me my results screen for about 3 seconds then left the call, and I wasn’t able to see my scores and where I did wrong.

I contacted the proctors and they said to contact MongoDB support since I can’t sign in through Examity directly.

I have emailed FOUR TIMES over the last two weeks asking for my breakdown and results, and have received no response so far. I’m pretty disappointed with this experience since I would like to take the exam again and actually pass but I have no clue which bits went wrong, how close I got to passing, and what I did well on.

Please let me know what I should do now.

P.S. yes I have checked my spam

Hi @Alex_Bartlett We truly apologize for the delayed response. Unfortunately, I was not able to locate the emails that you sent. We will have our engineering team look further into this to see why they were not received.
As requested, I have sent your score report to the email we have on file. Please let me know if you do not recieve it.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and delay!

Thank you,


Hi Heather,

Thank you very much for sorting this out quickly, I appreciate it.

All the best,


Please, I did my exam yesterday and I don’t know about my score.

@Pedro_Henrique_Brandao Hi Pedro! No problem! I have resent your score report to your Gmail account. Be sure to check your junk folder. Please reach out to if you are still unable to view your score report. Thank you!

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