MongoDB connector issue with power bi

I am currently working on to integrate mongoDB with power BI. I have configured the BI connector and was able to connect. But after connecting few fields and tables are missing.
Please do help on this issue.

Hi @Swapna_Sivalingam welcome to the community!

Have you followed the tutorial in to setup the connector and to connect to PowerBI Desktop?

But after connecting few fields and tables are missing.

Can you elaborate on how this looks like?

Best regards

Hi everyone,

I also have this problem: Using MongoDB Atlas, when I add a new field in an existing collection, add information in this new field and connect with MongoDD PowerBI connector, this new field does not appear, or it appears sometimes and sometimes not.

This issue is happening often since I use Mongo Atlas.

Does anyone know why?

Thanks in advance

These are my old troubleshooting notes for Power BI to Atlas from mid 2022, I haven’t touched Power BI in a hot minute since I finished the support Ramping Plan for it.

5 Things to look for connecting Power BI before opening HELP ticket.

  1. Caching: The connector may be caching the schema of the collection and not refreshing it properly when a new field is added. You can try clearing the cache or refreshing the connection to see if that resolves the issue.
  2. Permissions: The user account used to connect to the collection may not have the necessary permissions to access the new field. Make sure that the user account has read access to all fields in the collection.
  3. Delayed indexing: It’s possible that the new field has not been fully indexed yet, which can cause it to not appear in queries. You can try waiting a few minutes after adding the new field to allow the indexing to complete.
  4. Connector configuration: The connector may not be configured to automatically detect schema changes in the collection. Check the connector configuration to make sure that it is set up to detect schema changes.
  5. Connector version: It’s possible that the version of the connector being used is not fully compatible with the version of MongoDB Atlas being used. Try upgrading the connector to the latest version to see if that resolves the issue.