Mongodb connection to my hosting serevr

I tried to connect mongodb atlast web to my hosting server bu int server log i got this error

Error connecting to MongoDB: MongooseServerSelectionError: Could not connect to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. One common reason is that you're trying to access the database from an IP that isn't whitelisted. Make sure your current IP address is on your Atlas cluster's IP whitelist: /.mongodb..........
    at _handleConnectionErrors 
    at NativeConnection.openUri 
    at process.processTicksAndRejections{
  reason: TopologyDescription {
    type: 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary',
    servers: Map(3) {
      '' => [ServerDescription],
    stale: false,
    compatible: true,
    heartbeatFrequencyMS: 10000,
    localThresholdMS: 15,
    setName: 'atlas-jqkukr-shard-0',
    maxElectionId: null,
    maxSetVersion: null,
    commonWireVersion: 0,
    logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null
  code: undefined


const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const path = require('path');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const app = express();
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

    .connect(process.env.MONGODB_URI, {

    }).then(() => {
        console.log(`Connected to MongoDB`);
        app.listen(PORT, () => {
            console.log(`Node API app is running on port ${PORT}`);
    .catch((error) => {
        console.error('Error connecting to MongoDB:', error);

app.get('*', (req, res) => {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'));

app.listen(PORT, () => {
    console.log(`Node API app is running on port ${PORT}`);

however I whitelisted all of my IPs, properly, please help