Mongodb compass UI unresponsive when a collection size is more than 30MB

Mongodb compass UI unresponsive when a collection size is more than 30MB, and average size of document could more than 5MB.

Is there any reason why it is slow, or is there any limitations on collection or document sizes.

The slowness of Compass will have more to do with where your server is running, the capacity of your and how you are connected to your server.

It will also depend on what else is running on the machine where Compass is running.

@Naveen_K2 can you share some more details about what’s slow?
There is a known issue about switching back and forth between JSON view and other views which we are planning to release a fix for soon.

Hi Marcon,

Our Mongodb server was located in USA, I was working from India. So, there is a collection which has more than 200md in size and the average doc size is 4mb. While I’m trying to view that collection through MongoDB Compass its taking a while to load and also some times the entrie screen going to blank(white screen) which show only top left 3 options(connect, view , help)


and Compass


seem to confirm