MongoDB Charts - Aggregation Pipeline to get most recent value and CummulativeSum of a field

I am trying to build two charts with MongoDB Charts, a Number Card and a DataTable. I have two doubts pertaining to this.

1.) Getting the last value for “Equity” from the last document in a collection to display in number card:
Assume I have a time series document of the format where new records are inserted asynchronously at random time intervals

{ time: ISODate("22-04-2022T23:00:00Z") , equity : 25100 }
{ time: ISODate("22-04-2022T23:01:00Z") , equity : 25109 }
{ time: ISODate("22-04-2022T23:01:05Z") , equity : 25090 }

I would like to print the most recent equity value (25090) in this card. The card should also refresh every 5 secs or 10 secs and display the most recent equity value from the last inserted document. Currently I don’t see how to do this with the aggregation options, as there is no display last value of series option. Perhaps I should write some query to do this? If so, can a MongoDB expert help me with this?

2.) Cummulative sum of profit_csf column:
The next requirement is to create a new calculated field called balance which computes the cummulative sum of a profit_csf column in this datatable below:

<iframe style="background: #21313C;border: none;border-radius: 2px;box-shadow: 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(70, 76, 79, .2);" width="640" height="480" src=""></iframe>

I followed this stackoverflow article but $setWindowFields is not recognized as valid pipeline operator in MongoDB Charts - Calculated Fields. I also tried:

{ $accumulator: {
    sortBy: { time: 1 },
    output: {
      cumulative: {
        $sum: "$profit_csf",
        window: { documents: [ "unbounded", "current" ] }

but, accumulator is also not accepted in the Atlas Free Tier that i am using. Can you kindly provide a solution to create a new calculated field called Balance that is basically a cummulative sum of the profit_csf column?

Best Regards,

Hi @Dilip_Rajkumar -

The first scenario can be accomplished by using the Top Item chart type (under the Text category) instead of the Number chart. Top Item lets you specify a sort order and choose the specific fields you want from the matching document.

For the second scenario: You can use $setWindowFields in Charts, but since it’s an aggregation stage it needs to be used in the query bar, not within a single calculated field.



Hi Tom,
Thank you for your reply. When I type the following query in the query bar,


The query compiles without any error, but the Balance is showing up as a column filled with zeros:

I also need to filter the rows based on the entry column value by using {entry:1} in the query bar. So the $setWindowFields cummulative sum aggregation query needs to be combined with this {entry:1}
Can you kindly guide me by providing the right query for doing this cummulative sum?

Best Regards,

Hi Dilip -

A simple query (in curly braces) is just a shorthand for a $match aggregation stage. So you can combine the two like this:

  { $setWindowFields: { ... } },
  { $match: { entry: 1 } }

Unfortunately I’ve never used $setWindowFields myself so I can’t help debug why it’s not giving you the expected result.


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Is the field profit_real an actual field in your documents? Or is it a field you are computing - if so then I believe it might be computed after your $setWindowFields stage runs. If it’s being computed (it appears to be a sum of profit and commission) then just replace $profit_real with expression that computes it - like {$sum:{$add:["$profit","$commission"]}}



Well spotted @Asya_Kamsky. You can tell that profit_real is a calculated field as it is shown in italics in th left pane. You could either do what you suggested in the $setWindowFields stage, or move the calculated field to the top by defining it in the query bar using $set instead of using the calculated field feature (which does the exact same thing, but at a different stage in the pipeline).

@Dilip_Rajkumar note you can use the “View Aggregation Pipeline” from the … menu to see the complete pipeline being generated by the chart definition, which can be a helpful way of debugging these complex problems.



Thank you Asya, the modified query works now for calculating the cummulative balance :grinning: :+1:

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