MongoDB C# driver sorting by property in related collection?

I am trying to sort data in a query of one collection based on a property in another collection referenced by an id. The main collection contains an entity called CaseData that looks similar to this (some unrelated properties removed:

   caseId: "some unique Id value",
   type: {
      typeId: "someUniqueTypeId"
   users: [
        userId: "unique user id",
        userType: "some unique user type id"
       ...other properties
  ...other properties

And the second collection is a collection of user objects that looks like this:

   userId: "some unique id",
   data: {
     property: {
       somevalueproperty: true

I’ve got a mongo query that appears to be working if run in a mongo ide that looks like this:

    [{ $match: { 'type.typeId': 'someUniqueTypeId', 'users':{$exists:true, $size:1} } }, 
    ^ this is not the final query qas just used to get data for the sample
    { $lookup: { 'from': 'users', 'localField': 'users.userId', 'foreignField': 'userId', 'as': 'caseUser' } },
    { $sort: {'':-1}}

The idea is that I need to sort case data by the on the related values in “caseUser”. Perhaps I am way off base with this query, but but it seems to work, I am just struggling with how to express this in the mongodb C# driver. I am trying to use a combination of aggregate and lookup, but nothing I have tried this far seems to make any sense. I ran across this post (mongodb - Aggregate $lookup with C# - Stack Overflow) on stack overflow which seems to be doing what I need to do, partially at least, but not of those examples compile and I am not understanding the relationships that person is trying to convey.

Is this even possible to do in the C# driver?