Hi guys! Could you help me with a question?
I’ve connected to a federated database instance, by using the MongoDB Atlas SQL (Beta) in Power BI.
However, I didn’t find where I can use SQL, in Power BI, to query the data.
I want to bring to Power BI only the necessary data of the federated database instance, not all them… is it possible?
At the image, you can see the connection between the federated database instance and Power BI.
Thanks for the attention!
At this image, you can see the configuration of the Federated Database Instance used
Hi @Flavia_Santos_de_Almeida please email me and I will provide you a deck that will show you how to use Native SQL within Power BI. I can’t attach it here, otherwise I’d send it through Community. please email me: alexi.antonino@mongodb.com
Also, to get at the data within Power Query, you can use the front end functions to transform, unwind (arrays), flatten (objects).
Hi @Alexi_Antonino I’ve just sent you the email