MongoDB Atlas search for range query on array of String/Numbers

Range query for string
Sample document:

    "_id": {
        "$oid": "60a64442cf20f396c3654fb7"
    "level1_1": {
        "level2_1": [
                "level3_1": 1,
                "level3_2": "identifier1",
                "level3_3": [

I am trying to make use of atlas search for range querying over strings (See field level1_1.level2_1.level3_3). Consider an example: give me all records where value is “ABC000” to “ABZZZZ”.

From my understanding, there is no operator to support range query for string.

I have tried creating regex query for the above use case. (Assume each of the character can have [0-9A-Z] as possible values)

So the regex may look like: AB[C-Z][0-9C-Z][0-9C-Z][0-9C-Z].

Sample Query:

          "$search": {
              "regex": {
                  "query": "AB[C-Z][0-9C-Z][0-9C-Z][0-9C-Z]",
                  "path": "level1_1.level2_1.level3_3",
                  "allowAnalyzedField": True
        "$limit": 1000
        "$project": {
          "_id": 0,
          "level1_1": 1,
          "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" }

It works but I am not sure how it would perform.

Range query on array of Numbers

Alternately, I have another way to represent the values as integers as well. So I tried doing that.

But still MongoDB atlas has a limitation that it does not support range query on array of number. See

Sample document schema:

    "_id": {
        "$oid": "70a64442cf20f396c3654fb7"
    "level1_1": {
        "level2_1": [
                "level3_1": 1,
                "level3_2": "identifier1",
                "level3_3": [

Sample Query:

          "$search": {
              "range": {
                  "path": "level1_1.level2_1.level3_3",
                  "gte": 0,
                  "lte": 150
        "$limit": 1000
        "$project": {
          "_id": 0,
          "level1_1": 1,
          "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" }

Is there any workaround to perform range query for above use case?

Also, if I were to restructure the schema, any suggested best practices?