MongoDB Atlas Data API and Custom HTTPS Endpoints: End-of-Life and Deprecation

Dear community members,

We understand that our recent announcement to deprecate services is raising some questions and some of our users will be meaningfully impacted by this news. We would like to reiterate our commitment to supporting you through the transition before the end-of-life (EOL) of these services in September 2025 to ensure the solutions you’ve built on our platform can continue to produce successful outcomes for you and your users.

The decision to deprecate those services was not taken lightly, but it will allow us to refocus our efforts on providing customers with a better experience with our other services and double down on our investments in the core database and other Atlas services.

Some alternatives already exist for the HTTPS Endpoints and Data API, which are more mature and fully integrated with MongoDB. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions and Google Cloud Functions, amongst others, offer various full-featured serverless functions that can integrate with your MongoDB instances. You can find more at

Regarding the Atlas Device SDK. It consists of two parts: the on-device database and Atlas Device Sync. The on-device database will continue to be an open-source project. For the syncing, some of our partners, such as Ditto, are already working on integrations to make it easier for you to replace this SDK. Other partners also have similar offerings that integrate well with MongoDB (AWS AppSync, HiveMQ, Ably). A list of those alternative providers can be found at

Our team is dedicated to continuing to develop resources to help you navigate this migration process. In the meantime, if you need support along the way, you can contact our support team.

or the syncing, some of our partners, such as Ditto, are already working on integrations to make it easier for you to replace this SDK.

Sorry but could you like wait until an alternative is live until you suggest it? We are running businesses not some Wordpress Websites. We can’t rely on technologies that might be useable some time in the feature…


You lost trust. If people are forced to move away from MongoDB due to these changes they will completely move away and not just replace certain features.


I’d like to understand more about what in App Services will be ending. Does this include the GraphQL server?

Does this mean also user authentication providers will be removed too? I can’t find a way in any of the MongoDB Drivers like NodeJS to create and maintain users using the Atlas Service/Context.

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My code is based on Realm Objects… All my back-end apps use Realm Objects from crud operation while clients rendering Realm Objects on App Device or Web App passing by javascript objects that mirroring Realm Objects…
This scenario is terrible for ours application… If Ditto or any substitute not implementing sync by Realm Object, ours apps will failure… and ours customers will have many problems.
Do you realize what you have done?


Hi Everyone,

Just wrote a simple implementation of the Data API and Custom HTTP Endpoint in TypeScript. Feel free to use, share, improve, and suggest new features.

TypeScript Data API

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Hey Joel,

Thanks for this post.

I own a iOS app that uses Realm almost entirely with SwiftUI.

For authenticated users(IE email, google, and apple) will there be a solution to transfer them to another platform? I don’t really want to have my users create a new account.

I rely on my subscription revenue from my app as my only source of income. I rely on having very low churn rates for my consumer product. It is important to me that I prevent churn during this transition.

I was wondering if there is future plans to address this issue and if not the what would be the best step forward.


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The App Services Admin API and CLI are not deprecated. However, they have endpoints and commands that rely on deprecated services. These endpoints and commands are deprecated.

I just saw this line… Can you provide a PROPER listing what is deprecated and what not? Do we have manually check everything or can’t you just properly communicate the impact?
Because like this, this information is just worthless.


Really need a confirmation about the deprecation of:
— Users Auth
— Functions

I found here that the global “context” will be deprecated, if that’s true Functions are useless:

Most importantly: How to migrate 4 years of user accounts being created on your service (30k users)? Do you have a plan (somehow) to migrate their passwords to AWS Cognito or something?


This is the reason why pymongo is not compatible with discord? it has certificate issues 2 days ago

Yes @Samuel_Maxime1 , this does include GraphQL

Yes, @Rob_Biemans , this will also affect the authentication.

The Admin API can be used to export user data. You won’t have the passwords for security reasons, but will be able to get the rest of the user data.

While not explicitly about getting user data, you can follow this tutorial to get started with the Admin API and Postman.

As far as a replacement, Auth0 is a strong option for authentication, and they have a free tier. You can refer to their docs for more information about how to import user data.

@David_Hull at the moment, there isn’t a plan to automatically transfer to another platform. I invite you to look further down this thread for instructions on how to export your users, and how to import them to Auth0 as an alternative.

@dairyum_N_A This should not affect PyMongo as it relies on the core driver. I suggest you post your question under this topic with more details about the error messages you are getting that are preventing you to connect.

As stated here: Functions deprecated too? - #3 by Phoebe_Lam functions will only be callable by triggers?

No longer via Frontend (like with callFunction of the realm-web npm package)???

So we got 1 year until NOTHING works anymore?


What about autocomplete function from Atlas Text Search?
So if Authentication goes so will access roles ? How will i check which users have access to their infos client-side?
What about custom_data ?

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Deep Concern Over Deprecation of MongoDB Data API

I’m writing to express our deep frustration and disappointment regarding the sudden deprecation of the MongoDB Data API. We have been extensively using the Data API in our production environment since its beta version, and it has become an integral part of our infrastructure. The abrupt decision to deprecate such a crucial feature without clear and viable alternatives feels incredibly disruptive.

The Data API was marketed as a reliable tool, and we invested significant time and resources into integrating it into our systems, trusting that it would remain a core part of the MongoDB ecosystem.

Right now, this deprecation creates operational challenges for us. We expect MongoDB to uphold the reliability that it is known for, and this move falls short of that expectation. Can you please provide more information on why this decision was made and what alternatives or long-term solutions MongoDB is offering for teams like ours?

We sincerely hope that MongoDB reconsiders or provides a solid and lasting alternative that minimizes disruption for your long-term users.


It’s really a shame !!
We’ve built our eCommerce site based completely on MongoDB, HTTPS endpoints and functions, now you decide to finish that, all in a sudden, with few time to let us adapt, this only proves that MongoDB is a company we cannot trust
I’m very disappointed and lost, don’t know what to do and what direction to go