Mongodb atlas - Cant connect to the cluster using connection string

Dear mongo team & forum members,

We are facing an issue connecting to our m10 cluster, and we would really appreciate your help!
I will try to give you any piece of info that I can.
what we are trying to do:

  • we are connecting from containers inside AWS EKS (kubernetes) + we deployed a private endpoint to the aws region.

  • we have 2 types of applications: node.js && python: both are using the same connection string.
    this is the connection string: mongodb+srv://

  • the user samuel have the permission: readWriteAnyDatabase @admin
    this is the logs from the container speaking to mongo after we CURL hem with:
    $ curl -i -H “Accept: application/json” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X GET http://ciara-activity-service:9833/logs

I wonder if there’s an issue with DNS in your k8s environment: have you tried the traditional (non-SRV) connection string?