MongoCrypt Lib Integration with GraalVm Native Images

Hello Mongo Community,

I am currently trying to use the Mongo Encryption Library in a GraalVm Native application but I can’t get it to work.

I’ve learned that due to the fact LibMongoCrypt is a Native Library, GraalVm might not load it correctly because of AOT Compilation.
AOT Compilation aims to create a single executable containing every needed component and dependency and given the fact these native libraries are loaded at runtime, GraalVm may not be able to correctly add them.

Does anyone know anything else about the topic ?

Thanks !!!

Hey Diogo, thanks for reaching out. I saw that you filed JAVA-5199 about this issue as well. To avoid duplication, we’ll reply on that ticket.

Hello. I`m experiencing the same issue. A little help would be much appreciated.