Mongo replication failed when initial sync finishing up

I’m setting up a secondary database. During the syncing process it failed right after it finished applying oplog. I do researchs about this logs but have no idea where to go from this.

If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.

2022-07-21T00:08:11.365+0000 I REPL     [replication-248] Initial sync attempt finishing up.
2022-07-21T00:08:34.070+0000 E -        [replication-248] Assertion: 13548:BufBuilder attempted to grow() to 67108869 bytes, past the 64MB limit. src/mongo/bson/util/builder.h 350
2022-07-21T00:08:34.269+0000 I REPL     [replication-248] Error creating initial sync progress object: Location13548: BufBuilder attempted to grow() to 67108869 bytes, past the 64MB limit.
2022-07-21T00:08:34.270+0000 I REPL     [replication-248] Initial Sync Attempt Statistics: { failedInitialSyncAttempts: 0, maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts: 10, initialSyncStart: new Date(1658226358314), initialSyncAttempts: [], fetchedMissingDocs: 12452, appliedOps: 11672766, initialSyncOplogStart: Timestamp(1658226358, 117), initialSyncOplogEnd: Timestamp(1658345698, 17) }
2022-07-21T00:08:34.270+0000 E REPL     [replication-248] Initial sync attempt failed -- attempts left: 9 cause: InternalError: error fetching oplog during initial sync :: caused by :: error in fetcher batch callback: quick oplog start location had error...?

Can anyone help me with this. If you need more information please asked, I’ll provide them.

Hi @Huy

This is a peculiar message. Could you help us with some details:

  • What is your MongoDB version
  • What’s the output of rs.status(), rs.conf(), and rs.printReplicationInfo()
  • How many databases & collections you have in the deployment?
  • What’s the timeline of the incident, and have you tried rerunning the initial sync?

Best regards

Thanks for responding. Regarding your questions:

What is your MongoDB version
  • mongo version 3.6.9
How many databases & collections you have in the deployment?
  • database : 310 database, with more than 3 million collection. Because for each user the system create a collection, leading to this huge number of collection. I’m working on a solution to reduce this number.
What’s the timeline of the incident, and have you tried rerunning the initial sync?

I have retried several times, still the same error.

What’s the output of rs.status(), rs.conf(), and rs.printReplicationInfo()

I ran those on the primary database, we currently only have two database in replica set, one this primary and the other is the one failing.


productiondb:PRIMARY> rs.status()
        "set" : "productiondb",
        "date" : ISODate("2022-07-21T08:28:09.793Z"),
        "myState" : 1,
        "term" : NumberLong(22),
        "syncingTo" : "",
        "syncSourceHost" : "",
        "syncSourceId" : -1,
        "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),
        "optimes" : {
                "lastCommittedOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1658392089, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(22)
                "readConcernMajorityOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1658392089, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(22)
                "appliedOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1658392089, 38),
                        "t" : NumberLong(22)
                "durableOpTime" : {
                        "ts" : Timestamp(1658392089, 1),
                        "t" : NumberLong(22)
        "members" : [
                        "_id" : 0,
                        "name" : "DB1:27017",
                        "health" : 1,
                        "state" : 1,
                        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
                        "uptime" : 893212,
                        "optime" : {
                                "ts" : Timestamp(1658392089, 38),
                                "t" : NumberLong(22)
                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("2022-07-21T08:28:09Z"),
                        "syncingTo" : "",
                        "syncSourceHost" : "",
                        "syncSourceId" : -1,
                        "infoMessage" : "",
                        "electionTime" : Timestamp(1657498982, 1),
                        "electionDate" : ISODate("2022-07-11T00:23:02Z"),
                        "configVersion" : 105936,
                        "self" : true,
                        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : ""
                        "_id" : 1,
                        "name" : "DB2:27017",
                        "health" : 1,
                        "state" : 5,
                        "stateStr" : "STARTUP2",
                        "uptime" : 165731,
                        "optime" : {
                                "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
                                "t" : NumberLong(-1)
                        "optimeDurable" : {
                                "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
                                "t" : NumberLong(-1)
                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
                        "optimeDurableDate" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
                        "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2022-07-21T08:28:09.043Z"),
                        "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2022-07-21T08:28:08.783Z"),
                        "pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
                        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "",
                        "syncingTo" : "DB1:27017",
                        "syncSourceHost" : "DB1:27017",
                        "syncSourceId" : 0,
                        "infoMessage" : "",
                        "configVersion" : 105936
        "ok" : 1,
        "operationTime" : Timestamp(1658392089, 38),
        "$clusterTime" : {
                "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1658392089, 39),
                "signature" : {
                        "hash" : BinData(0,"mWGu9CvEYng72WLP+5MzZW859JU="),
                        "keyId" : NumberLong("7083073276435496961")


productiondb:PRIMARY> rs.conf()
        "_id" : "productiondb",
        "version" : 105936,
        "protocolVersion" : NumberLong(1),
        "members" : [
                        "_id" : 0,
                        "host" : "DB1:27017",
                        "arbiterOnly" : false,
                        "buildIndexes" : true,
                        "hidden" : false,
                        "priority" : 2,
                        "tags" : {

                        "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
                        "votes" : 1
                        "_id" : 1,
                        "host" : "DB2:27017",
                        "arbiterOnly" : false,
                        "buildIndexes" : true,
                        "hidden" : true,
                        "priority" : 0,
                        "tags" : {

                        "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
                        "votes" : 0
        "settings" : {
                "chainingAllowed" : true,
                "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : 2000,
                "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : 10,
                "electionTimeoutMillis" : 10000,
                "catchUpTimeoutMillis" : -1,
                "catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis" : 30000,
                "getLastErrorModes" : {

                "getLastErrorDefaults" : {
                        "w" : 1,
                        "wtimeout" : 0
                "replicaSetId" : ObjectId("5c1088d3efa5a1bd60427c1f")


productiondb:PRIMARY> rs.printReplicationInfo()
configured oplog size:   512000.00009155273MB
log length start to end: 17068secs (4.74hrs)
oplog first event time:  Thu Jul 21 2022 12:52:10 GMT+0900 (JST)
oplog last event time:   Thu Jul 21 2022 17:36:38 GMT+0900 (JST)
now:                     Thu Jul 21 2022 17:36:38 GMT+0900 (JST)

Hi @Huy

This could be the issue, with such an enormous number of collections. I noticed that you also seem to have only 2 members in the replica set. Are you trying to convert a standalone to a replica set? Note that it’s not recommended to run an even number of nodes in a replica set. It’s strongly recommended to have at least 3 nodes.

Regarding the initial sync issue, perhaps you can try the procedure outlined in Sync by Copying Data Files from Another Member if the automatic sync method is not working out for you.

As with anything that is operationally risky, I would suggest you take backups & practice the method before doing it in production :slight_smile:


log length start to end: 17068secs (4.74hrs)

How long was the initial sync run? If it’s more than 4 hours, you might want to consider a larger oplog size.

  • mongo version 3.6.9

Note that MongoDB 3.6 series is not supported anymore per April 2021 so it won’t receive any new updates. You might want to upgrade to a supported MongoDB version.

Best regards