I’m using MongoSourceConnector, to connect a Kafka I’m getting the message on the topic without a problem, but when I wanna try to do a schema-registry from this I’m getting this:
On the schema registry:
curl -X GET http://schema-registry:8081/subjects/mongo.test.pageviews-value/versions/1/schema
Looks if the change stream returns a JSON string, any way to change this to return a JSON?
Driver connector:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/connectors -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "sr-connector-test",
"config": {
"topic.prefix": "sr_topic",
"publish.full.document.one": "true"
Connector Status:
Topic returned:
//Always return the msg with double quotes " "
"{"_id": {"_data": {"$binary": "gl5O1i8AARmVwXaNDYq7CWduUosquBA==", "$type": "00"}}, "operationType": "update", "ns": {"db": "name", "coll": "tx"}, "documentKey": {"_id": {"$oid": "5e4de1f01b8406"}}, "updateDescription": {"updatedFields": {"updated": {"$date": 15824943562}}, "removedFields": []}}"