Mongo Compass 1.44 getting error All configured authentication methods failed on windows

I have tried to connect mongo altas from mongo compass ( using proxy ssh) in windows but getting error like “All configured authentication methods failed” this was working fine with earlier mongo compass version

Hi @Salman_Khandu! I’m sorry to hear this happened – If possible, please open a ticket in, and include a log file (as described in, that would be pretty helpful for figuring out why this is happening. Thank you!

Hi @Salman_Khandu! We just released v1.44.2-beta.0 with a potential fix for this issue. You can download it at Release 1.44.2-beta.0 · mongodb-js/compass · GitHub – it would be tremendously helpful if you could try this out and report back to us!

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I have checked 1.44.2-beta.0 and it’s working fine. Thank you !

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