Managing array of subdocuments by date via aggregation

Hi all

I have a large collection of data, each document comprises an _id, ttl and then an array called ‘messages’ which can be large.

One of the fields in the messages array is called ‘time_sent’, currently the collection contains time_sent dating back 18 months or so - I need this to be reduced to 90 days.

The issue I am facing is that while I have created an aggregation which filters the array based on ‘date’ (which is current time minus 90 days), the results appear correct in the aggregation tool in Atlas, i.e. in a test collection I start with 6 documents, end up with 3 based on the date. Documents that only have items in the array that doesn’t match the filter condition persist, I guess logically this makes sense but it’s not what I want…

Also if the filter results in an empty ‘messages’ array, the whole document should be removed. I don’t seem to be able to achieve this either.

Current aggregation below:

        messages: {
          $filter: {
            input: "$messages",
            as: "message",
            cond: {
              $gte: [
        path: "$messages",
        _id: "$_id",
        messages: {
          $push: "$messages",
        ttl: {
          $add: [
            new Date(),
            1000 * 3600 * 24 * 90,
      $merge: {
        'into': 'test',
        'on': '_id',
        'whenMatched': 'merge',
        'whenNotMatched': 'insert'

I feel like I missing something obvious, but I just can’t seem to crack it.


If you use $match then $out rather than $merge, the original collection will be replace with only the documents that matches. This way you could $match out documents with empty array. With $out you need to make sure you $project all the other fields, a $set or $addFields would then be more appropriate.

I am pretty sure your $unwind and $group is kind of useless.

But i also think that you should use $merge as you did and then do a separate deleteMany to get rid of documents you do not want to keep.

Thanks - I was ending up just adding more stages to the aggregation in some hope of it doing what I wanted! I will give the deleteMany a go as well :+1:

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