$lookup against Subdocument of lookup table in Aggregation

I am trying to $lookup against a master table from my main table to get the Status From the master table by using the Status ID. The Master table has multiple types of statuses, of that, I am able to filter to required master data but i am not able to get the match to the right master data value.

My Main Table:

	"_id" : ObjectId("61404c6a3231ea22259be204"),
	"userId" : 10000030,
	"orderStatus" : {
			"statusId" : 1

Lookup Master Table:

	"_id" : ObjectId("61388ccb8426124d580fae74"),
	"name" : "orderStatus",
	"data" : [
					"key" : "1",
					"value" : "Processed"
					"key" : "2",
					"value" : "Cancelled"
	"_id" : ObjectId("61388ccb8426124d580fae75"),
	"name" : "shippingStatus",
	"data" : [
					"key" : "1",
					"value" : "Shipped"
					"key" : "2",
					"value" : "Delivered"

This is my aggregate lookup query which is returning both the status values instead of only one relevant status:

		$match : {userId : 10000030 }
         from: "masterdata",
		 let: { status_id: "$orderStatus.statusId"},
						{ $expr:
							{ $and:
								 { $eq: [ "$name",  "orderStatus" ] }
								 { $eq: [ "$data.key",  "$$status_id" ] }
				{ $project: { _id: 0,name:1,"data.key":1,"data.value":1 } }
			as: "lookupval"
		$project : {
			_id:0,userId : 1,"orderStatus.statusId" : 1,"lookupval":1

The equality operator does not seem to be getting the exact match on the Status.

Can someone help?

The below returns both the values in Lookup table

		$match : {userId : 10000030 }
         from: "masterdata",
		 let: { status_id: "$orderStatus.statusId"},
						{ $expr:
							{ $and:
								 { $eq: [ "$name",  "orderStatus" ] }
				{ $project: { _id: 0,name:1,"data.key":1,"data.value":1 } }
			as: "lookupval"
		$project : {
			_id:0,userId : 1,"orderStatus.statusId" : 1,"lookupval":1


    userId: 10000030,
    orderStatus: { statusId: 1 },
    lookupval: [
        name: 'orderStatus',
        data: [
          { key: '1', value: 'Processed' },
          { key: '2', value: 'Cancelled' }