I’ve watched the video of Lesson 3 on how to create a database, then create a collection inside an existing database, and then insert a document in the collection. Well, I opened the lab, had a hard time to connect but after connecting, I followed the steps of the practice (lab) exercise and even though I inserted the exact values requested for the document inside the users collection, when I clicked Check I got the Incorrect Solution with the message “yzxlvzbtr14b - FAIL: The expected document in the users collection was not found in the database. Please try again.” I tried refreshing the page of the lab, tried refreshing the page of Mongo DB Atlas, etc. and still not successful. Really not sure of what I am doing wrong?!?
Hi Claudia. First, let me start by welcoming you to the MongoDB community. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have tested this and was able to reproduce the issue. By clicking on the Open External Window button, you are redirected to cloud.mongodb.com, but were most likely directed to your Organization vs the MY_MDB_ORG organization. This is due to the way Instruqt will allow us to link items and is something we are working to fix. Please try the following:
- Click on the Open External Window button
- From within the Atlas UI, navigate to the top left of the window. You will see an Organization selection dropdown to the right of the Atlas button.
- Click on the Organization dropdown and select MY_MDB_EDU
- You should then see the MDB_EDU project listed along with tags related to the lesson that you are doing.
- Click on the MDB_EDU project link and proceed with the lab instructions from there.
Note: You may need to add your IP address to the access list if you have not already done so
Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding this lab. Happy exploring!