Issue with slow lookup using pipeline vs foreign/localField

I’m trying to do a lookup stage but its really slow when using a pipeline in the lookup stage compared to a regular one with localField/foreignField.
The structure below is simplified but have the structure with arrays.

Artist collection (100 artists)

{title: ‘the Beatles’, songs: [ObejctId(1), ObejctId(2), ObejctId(2)]}

Songs collection (1000 songs)

{_id: 1: title: ‘Help1’}
{_id: 1: title: ‘Come together’}
{_id: 1: title: ‘Something’}

I want to join all the song to the current artist by the objectID from the song array to the ObjectId of the song in the song collection.

This pipeline takes about 60ms with localField/foreignField.

  { $match: { songs: { $exists: true, $ne: [] } } },
          $lookup: {
            from: 'songs',
            localField: 'songs',
            foreignField: '_id',
            as: 'songs',
          $project: {
            slug: 1,
            title: 1,
            songs: 1,
            user: 1,
            name: 1,
            profileImage: 1,
            songCount: {
              $size: '$songs',

This pipeline takes about 2.5 seconds with the same data.

{ $match: { songs: { $exists: true, $ne: [] } } },
          $lookup: {
            from: 'songs',
            let: {
              songIds: '$songs',
            pipeline: [
                $match: {
                  $expr: {
                    $in: ['$_id', '$$songIds'],
            as: 'songs',

          $project: {
            slug: 1,
            title: 1,
            songs: 1,
            user: 1,
            name: 1,
            profileImage: 1,
            songCount: {
              $size: '$songs',

I’ve looked into indexes and created one on the artist collection on the songs array like this
db.artists.createIndex({songs:1}); (tried both asc/desc)
But it doesn’t seem to do any difference in the time.

When running the aggregation with .explain('executionStats') with the above created index I get

  "winningPlan" : {
                            "stage" : “IXSCAN", 

everywhere on both queries. And If I drop the index I get

 "winningPlan" : {
                        "stage" : "COLLSCAN",

everywhere on both queries.

But there is no difference on the execution time. Both takes about 2 seconds (pipeline) seconds respective 60ms (foreignField).

When index is added I get "totalKeysExamined" : 865, on both queries and without index "totalKeysExamined" : 0.

When comparing the two explained result the only difference between the stats are executionTimeMillis and the query itself.

So are the indexes really used or am I doing something wrong or have I misunderstood indexes?

Mongo 4.2.8
Using Robo 3T

Full explain from pipeline with index ~2.5 seconds

/* 1 */
    "stages" : [ 
            "$cursor" : {
                "query" : {
                    "songs" : {
                        "$exists" : true,
                        "$ne" : []
                "fields" : {
                    "name" : 1,
                    "profileImage" : 1,
                    "slug" : 1,
                    "songs" : 1,
                    "title" : 1,
                    "user" : 1,
                    "_id" : 1
                "queryPlanner" : {
                    "plannerVersion" : 1,
                    "namespace" : "freshsound.artists",
                    "indexFilterSet" : false,
                    "parsedQuery" : {
                        "$and" : [ 
                                "songs" : {
                                    "$exists" : true
                                "songs" : {
                                    "$not" : {
                                        "$eq" : []
                    "queryHash" : "F267DA83",
                    "planCacheKey" : "F7BD81F7",
                    "winningPlan" : {
                        "stage" : "FETCH",
                        "filter" : {
                            "$and" : [ 
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$exists" : true
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$not" : {
                                            "$eq" : []
                        "inputStage" : {
                            "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                            "keyPattern" : {
                                "songs" : 1.0
                            "indexName" : "songs_1",
                            "isMultiKey" : true,
                            "multiKeyPaths" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                            "isUnique" : false,
                            "isSparse" : false,
                            "isPartial" : false,
                            "indexVersion" : 2,
                            "direction" : "forward",
                            "indexBounds" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                                    "[MinKey, MaxKey]"
                    "rejectedPlans" : []
                "executionStats" : {
                    "executionSuccess" : true,
                    "nReturned" : 99,
                    "executionTimeMillis" : 2161,
                    "totalKeysExamined" : 865,
                    "totalDocsExamined" : 117,
                    "executionStages" : {
                        "stage" : "FETCH",
                        "filter" : {
                            "$and" : [ 
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$exists" : true
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$not" : {
                                            "$eq" : []
                        "nReturned" : 99,
                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
                        "works" : 866,
                        "advanced" : 99,
                        "needTime" : 766,
                        "needYield" : 0,
                        "saveState" : 7,
                        "restoreState" : 7,
                        "isEOF" : 1,
                        "docsExamined" : 117,
                        "alreadyHasObj" : 0,
                        "inputStage" : {
                            "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                            "nReturned" : 117,
                            "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
                            "works" : 866,
                            "advanced" : 117,
                            "needTime" : 748,
                            "needYield" : 0,
                            "saveState" : 7,
                            "restoreState" : 7,
                            "isEOF" : 1,
                            "keyPattern" : {
                                "songs" : 1.0
                            "indexName" : "songs_1",
                            "isMultiKey" : true,
                            "multiKeyPaths" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                            "isUnique" : false,
                            "isSparse" : false,
                            "isPartial" : false,
                            "indexVersion" : 2,
                            "direction" : "forward",
                            "indexBounds" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                                    "[MinKey, MaxKey]"
                            "keysExamined" : 865,
                            "seeks" : 1,
                            "dupsTested" : 865,
                            "dupsDropped" : 748
            "$lookup" : {
                "from" : "songs",
                "as" : "songs",
                "let" : {
                    "songIds" : "$songs"
                "pipeline" : [ 
                        "$match" : {
                            "$expr" : {
                                "$in" : [ 
            "$project" : {
                "_id" : true,
                "title" : true,
                "slug" : true,
                "profileImage" : true,
                "songs" : true,
                "user" : true,
                "name" : true,
                "songCount" : {
                    "$size" : [ 
    "serverInfo" : {
        "host" : "MacBook-Pro.local",
        "port" : 27017,
        "version" : "4.2.8",
        "gitVersion" : "43d25964249164d76d5e04dd6cf38f6111e21f5f"
    "ok" : 1.0

Explain with foreignFiel/localField ~60ms

/* 1 */
    "stages" : [ 
            "$cursor" : {
                "query" : {
                    "songs" : {
                        "$exists" : true,
                        "$ne" : []
                "fields" : {
                    "name" : 1,
                    "profileImage" : 1,
                    "slug" : 1,
                    "songs" : 1,
                    "title" : 1,
                    "user" : 1,
                    "_id" : 1
                "queryPlanner" : {
                    "plannerVersion" : 1,
                    "namespace" : "freshsound.artists",
                    "indexFilterSet" : false,
                    "parsedQuery" : {
                        "$and" : [ 
                                "songs" : {
                                    "$exists" : true
                                "songs" : {
                                    "$not" : {
                                        "$eq" : []
                    "queryHash" : "F267DA83",
                    "planCacheKey" : "F7BD81F7",
                    "winningPlan" : {
                        "stage" : "FETCH",
                        "filter" : {
                            "$and" : [ 
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$exists" : true
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$not" : {
                                            "$eq" : []
                        "inputStage" : {
                            "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                            "keyPattern" : {
                                "songs" : 1.0
                            "indexName" : "songs_1",
                            "isMultiKey" : true,
                            "multiKeyPaths" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                            "isUnique" : false,
                            "isSparse" : false,
                            "isPartial" : false,
                            "indexVersion" : 2,
                            "direction" : "forward",
                            "indexBounds" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                                    "[MinKey, MaxKey]"
                    "rejectedPlans" : []
                "executionStats" : {
                    "executionSuccess" : true,
                    "nReturned" : 99,
                    "executionTimeMillis" : 73,
                    "totalKeysExamined" : 865,
                    "totalDocsExamined" : 117,
                    "executionStages" : {
                        "stage" : "FETCH",
                        "filter" : {
                            "$and" : [ 
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$exists" : true
                                    "songs" : {
                                        "$not" : {
                                            "$eq" : []
                        "nReturned" : 99,
                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
                        "works" : 866,
                        "advanced" : 99,
                        "needTime" : 766,
                        "needYield" : 0,
                        "saveState" : 7,
                        "restoreState" : 7,
                        "isEOF" : 1,
                        "docsExamined" : 117,
                        "alreadyHasObj" : 0,
                        "inputStage" : {
                            "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                            "nReturned" : 117,
                            "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
                            "works" : 866,
                            "advanced" : 117,
                            "needTime" : 748,
                            "needYield" : 0,
                            "saveState" : 7,
                            "restoreState" : 7,
                            "isEOF" : 1,
                            "keyPattern" : {
                                "songs" : 1.0
                            "indexName" : "songs_1",
                            "isMultiKey" : true,
                            "multiKeyPaths" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                            "isUnique" : false,
                            "isSparse" : false,
                            "isPartial" : false,
                            "indexVersion" : 2,
                            "direction" : "forward",
                            "indexBounds" : {
                                "songs" : [ 
                                    "[MinKey, MaxKey]"
                            "keysExamined" : 865,
                            "seeks" : 1,
                            "dupsTested" : 865,
                            "dupsDropped" : 748
            "$lookup" : {
                "from" : "songs",
                "as" : "songs",
                "localField" : "songs",
                "foreignField" : "_id"
            "$project" : {
                "_id" : true,
                "songs" : true,
                "user" : true,
                "name" : true,
                "profileImage" : true,
                "title" : true,
                "slug" : true,
                "songCount" : {
                    "$size" : [ 
            "$project" : {
                "_id" : true,
                "songs" : true,
                "user" : true,
                "name" : true,
                "profileImage" : true,
                "title" : true,
                "slug" : true,
                "songCount" : {
                    "$size" : [ 
            "$match" : {
                "songCount" : {
                    "$not" : {
                        "$eq" : 0.0
    "serverInfo" : {
        "host" : "MacBook-Pro.local",
        "port" : 27017,
        "version" : "4.2.8",
        "gitVersion" : "43d25964249164d76d5e04dd6cf38f6111e21f5f"
    "ok" : 1.0


Hi @gamisLamis,

I believe the reason for difference in query is the optimizer of the query plan have difficulty optimising expressive joins like the one with $expr over a local foriegn field which is more strucured.

I recall version 5.0 of MongoDB improving this area… I see you are using 4.2.8 on your local device.

My main question to you will be what is the reason to not embed artists song names in the artist collection? You can use the outlier pattern for artists with many songs


Also this seems to be related to an open issue:

You can watch it.

@Pavel_Duchovny Hi, thanks for your input.

It was indeed “solved”/improved in mongodb 5, so the issue is pretty much resolved for me when upgrading to version 5 instead of 4.2. It is not as fast as the regular lookup with localfield but fast enough for it to work.

About the artists song question. The songs are infact a lot bigger than in my post and contains around 30 fields. And the songs are used more frequently as “single” documents and not as much in the context in my post.

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